November 2024


Our most recent webinar :

Optimizing Chemical Dosage with GPS-X


July 2024

June 2024


Our most recent webinar :

How to Model Clarifiers in GPS-X


May 2024

March 2024

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023


Our most recent webinar :

GPS-X Advanced Visualization Features


July 2023

June 2023


Our most recent webinar :

Implementing Custom Flow Control Algorithms in GPS-X


February 2023


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling IFAS/MBBR Systems in GPS-X


January 2023

December 2022

November 2022


Our most recent webinar :

Simulating High-Strength Co-Digestion Treatment


September 2022


Our most recent webinar :

What's New in GPS-X v8.5


August 2022


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling the Thermal Hydrolysis Process in GPS-X


July 2022

June 2022

May 2022

April 2022


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Sidestream Nutrient Removal and Recovery


March 2022

February 2022


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) with GPS-X


January 2022

December 2021


Our most recent webinar :

How to Calibrate Your GPS-X Model


November 2021

July 2021

June 2021


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Inorganic Precipitation with GPS-X


May 2021

GPS-XTM Version 8.1 Released

GPS-X v8.1

Hydromantis' new release of GPS-XTM v8.1 includes:

  • Chemical Disinfection Model Upgrade
  • New Dechlorination Model
  • Updates to Mantis2, Mantis2S, and Mantis3 Biological Models
  • New Empirical Differential Model for Primary Clarifiers
  • Upgrade to High-Purity Oxygen (HPO) Model Outputs
  • New Flocculator Unit in Process Water Treatment Library
  • and much more
PDF Download View the Press Release.

Customers with current tech support contracts will be contacted within the next few days regarding how to upgrade to the latest version. If you don't receive an email but believe that you are entitled to the upgrade, please contact for more information.


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Chlorination/Dechlorination with GPS-X


April 2021


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Aeration Systems with GPS-X


March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

Solving our clients' toughest challenges in the water industry – Hatch integrates Hydromantis into its water group

Mississauga, Canada – Evolving and emerging client challenges need proactive responses. Hatch, a leading enabler of water digital transformations, is very pleased to announce its integration with Hydromantis, the supplier of choice for innovative water resources recovery and water management software solutions. Increasingly, our clients are moving to digitally- enabled services by using advanced software to facilitate more complex and sophisticated water and wastewater treatment processes and operations. We look to continue building our digital solutions capabilities with strong water process knowhow combined with artificial intelligence and machine learning. This integration aims to help clients in the water industry on their path to integrated digital transformation by providing accurate, reliable, and actionable information along with professional engineering and consulting services.

Hydromantis prides itself on its suite of targeted water and wastewater software solutions including the highly regarded GPS-X, which is the most advanced tool available in the market for the mathematical modeling, control, optimization, and management of wastewater treatment plants. Hatch brings its global multi-disciplinary staff with deep expertise in water and wastewater design, engineering, operations, and maintenance.

"Hydromantis' focus on advanced and targeted software solutions for the water and wastewater industry combined with Hatch's global footprint in engineering and consulting services positions us to tackle all our clients' toughest challenges," said David Mutombo, Hatch's Managing Director, Water. "The integration of Hatch and Hydromantis allows us to broaden our capabilities to help our clients on their digital transformation journey."

"The integration with Hatch is the result of many years of successfully working together and [Hydromantis'] strong growth in digital services over the last several years," commented Dr. Rajeev Goel, President/CEO Hydromantis. "It will help us build and expand on the strengths of our products and services to timely meet the future complex process and digital needs of our clients."

For more information, please contact:
Glenn Sakaki, Global Director, Marketing & Communications, Hatch +1 905 403 4241
Robert P. Beres, Exec. VP, Sales & Marketing, Hydromantis, +1 905 522 0012 x 224

About Hatch
Whatever our clients envision, our teams can deliver. With over six decades of business and technical experience in the mining, energy, and infrastructure sectors, we understand that your challenges are changing rapidly. Our solutions are innovative, timely, and more efficient. We draw upon 9,000 staff with experience in over 150 countries to challenge the status quo, creating positive change for our clients, employees, and the communities we serve.

About Hydromantis
Hydromantis Environmental Software Solutions, Inc. is the global leader in wastewater treatment simulation software. It is the developer and owner of several of the most popular software platforms like GPS-X, SimuWorks OpTool, MantisAI, Toxchem, and CapdetWorks.
Hydromantis software solutions help solve many difficult problems in process design, plant operation, optimization, and control to provide significant cost savings. Hydromantis sets the industry standard and our enthusiastic team with its in-depth knowledge, hands-on experience can offer innovative yet realistic solutions.


December 2020

November 2020

September 2020

August 2020


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling the Fate of Sulfur in WWRFs with GPS-X


July 2020


Our most recent webinar :

Implementing Advanced Process Control with GPS-X


June 2020

WEF Webinar Series

Hydromantis is proud to be a part of WEF’s Process Operational Fundamentals webinar series with our state-of-the-art SimuWorks™ simulation platform used to create digital twins of water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs).

Experience the true power of a digital plant to learn the fundamentals of operating a plant for nutrient removal and energy recovery.

The webinar series is led by Paul Dombrowski of Woodard & Curran and Dr. Spencer Snowling of Hydromantis.

Register now!.

WEF Web Series

May 2020


Hydromantis is proud to collaborate on the experimental and modelling study "Effects of low pH conditions on Decay of Methanogenic Biomass" using GPS-XTM with a group of Japanese experts. It has been published in the May edition of Water Research.

The study elucidates the key mechanism that affect the digester failure and its subsequent recovery under acidic conditions. The proposed modification of biomass decay kinetics in the ADM1 model shall further extend the applicability of models by improving the operation of digester and biogas recovery plants.

View the abstract.

Water Research

April 2020


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Clarifiers in GPS-X


March 2020

February 2020


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBRs) in GPS-X


January 2020


Our most recent webinar :

Best Methods for Getting Data In and Out of GPS-X


December 2019


Our most recent webinar :

Modelling Sludge Drying and Incineration in GPS-X


November 2019


Check out our three part webinar series showcasing the latest release of GPS-X :

What's New in GPS-X Version 8.0 - Part 1

What's New in GPS-X Version 8.0 - Part 2

What's New in GPS-X Version 8.0 - Part 3



BCWWA 3rd Annual Operator Continuing Education Day
November 27, 2019
Anvil Centre, New Westminster, BC

Spencer Snowling, VP of Product Development for Hydromantis, will be the keynote speaker at the BCWWA 3rd Annual Operator Continuing Education Day.

His talk "Water and Wastewater Simulation, The New Way Forward in Operator Education" will focus on the history of mathematical simulation in the wastewater industry, and how it has evolved from a tool for design engineers into a cutting-edge technology for advanced operator training.

Spencer will also be leading simulation-based interactive workshops in both the water treatment and wastewater treatment streams.

For more information, please visit the BCWWA event website.



Positions available: Junior Engineers

The junior engineers will assist senior Hydromantis staff in carrying out various routine tasks of completing customer support, consulting services and product development.

Application deadline has passed. We have successfully hired for the positions. Thank you for your interest.


October 2019

GPS-XTM Version 8 Released

GPS-X v8

Hydromantis' new release of GPS-XTM v8 includes:

  • Mantis2S – Sulfur & Selenium Model Library
  • Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactor Model
  • Stormwater Runoff Model
  • Python Scripting Integration
  • Mass Balance Table Diagrams
  • Dynamic Data Validation
  • and much more
PDF Download View the Press Release.

Customers with current tech support contracts will be contacted within the next few days regarding how to upgrade to the latest version. If you don't receive an email but believe that you are entitled to the upgrade, please contact for more information.


Rajeev Goel, Ph.D., P.Eng., President and CEO of Hydromantis will be hosting two workshops on "Wastewater Treatment Plant Modelling for Plant Design & Optimization"

Dubai - Oct 29th

Mumbai - Nov 1st

Dubai or Mumbai


Check out our latest recorded webinar :

What's New in GPS-X Version 8.0 - Part 2

Join us live for the third part in the series by registering for that upcoming free webinar.


September 2019


Check out our latest recorded webinar :

What's New in GPS-X Version 8.0 - Part 1

Join us live for the next two parts by registering for those upcoming free webinars.



Visit us at Booth 2719

The following Hydromantis experts will be a part of WEFTEC 2019.

Rajeev Goel

Rajeev Goel,
President & CEO,
Hydromantis ESS, Inc.

Spencer Snowling

Spencer Snowling,
VP of Product Development

Robert Beres

Robert Beres,
Executive VP of
Sales & Marketing

Jacob Barclay

Jacob Barclay,
Junior Engineer


Special Events


Operations Challenge Competition – Process Control Event
Hydromantis is proud to be providing the process simulator for the Process Control event at the annual Operations Challenge competition.
Come watch the teams compete to troubleshoot process issues with a virtual wastewater treatment plant.
Time: 10:00 AM
Booth: Booth 7007, North Hall B



Brief Overview of GPS-X and Description of Gaming Station
Type: Workshop
Time: 9:30 AM - 9:40 AM
Presented During: W03 Game Based Modeling
Room: S404a
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Speaker)

Process Simulation Modeling
Type: Workshop
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Presented During: W01 Refinery Wastewater Treatment 201: Advanced Curriculum
Room: S501d
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Speaker)

Process Modeling Hands On Exercise
Type: Workshop
Time: 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM
Presented During: W01 Refinery Wastewater Treatment 201: Advanced Curriculum
Room: S501d
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Speaker)


Application of High Purity Oxygen System Model at a Full-Scale Treatment Plant
Type: Technical Session
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Presented During: 306 More Than Hot Air: Optimizing Aeration Systems
Room: S501d
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Author, Speaker)
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Co-author)

Modeling Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactor Considering Granule Formation
Type: Technical Session
Time: 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Presented During: 423 Modeling of Aerobic Granular Sludge
Room: S403b
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Author, Speaker)
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Co-author)


Using Machine Learning Techniques for Influent Flow Forecasting at Water Resource Reclamation Facilities
Type: Technical Session
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Presented During: 507 Blame it on the Rain: Treatment of Wet Weather Flows
Room: S504d
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Author, Speaker)
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Co-author)

May 2019

SimuWorks OpToolPro Version 2.0 Released

Hydromantis' has released a new version of OpToolPro

PDF Download View the Press Release.

Existing clients will be contacted soon regarding your upgrade.

Contact for any other questions.

OpToolPro v2.0

April 2019

WEAO Annual Conference

Hydromantis is happy to be a silver sponsor of the of the 2019 Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) Annual Conference April 14-15, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

We will be contributing to the conference in several ways:

  • Hydromantis will be providing the simulator used for the Operations Challenge competition Process Control Event, which takes places at 8:30am Monday morning
  • Hydromantis engineer Dandan Song will be presenting the paper "Using Modelling to Analyze Plant Start-up Process: Niagara-on-the-Lake WWTP Case Study" on Monday afternoon at 4:00pm in Room 103A.
  • We will also have a booth in the OPCEA Trade Show on Monday and Tuesday.

Please drop by and visit us at the booth to see a demonstration of the upcoming GPS-X Version 8.0, and try your hand at solving activated sludge process problems in our operations process simulator SimuWorks OpTool.

WEAO SimuWorks

ToxchemTM Version 4.4 Released

Hydromantis' has released a new version of ToxchemTM

The new features can be discovered here.

Existing clients will be contacted soon regarding your upgrade.

Contact for any other questions.


ToxchemTM Online Course

Need a refresher on all of the great features of Toxchem?

Join us on May 16th for an online course

Register Now 

Toxchem v4.4

March 2019

Workshop in the United Kingdom

Wastewater Modelling Workshop using GPS-XTM
March 27th & 28th, 2019

Considering the importance of energy conversation, greenhouse gas reduction, resource recovery and process optimization, the modelling of wastewater treatment plant has become an important topic for every process engineer. This workshop will cover the fundamental and advanced topics in the modelling of wastewater treatment plant with emphasis on application of GPS-XTM as a simulation tool. In addition to advanced topics, the workshop will provide hands-on experience on the software to conduct a selected modelling study.

The course is intended for existing modelling practitioners as well as those interested in learning about basic modelling and simulation.

For more information, visit Workshop UK

Cranfield University

October 2018


Visit us at Booth 4044

The following Hydromantis experts will be a part of WEFTEC 2018.

Rajeev Goel

Rajeev Goel,
President & CEO,
Hydromantis ESS, Inc.

Spencer Snowling

Spencer Snowling,
VP of Product Development

Robert Beres

Robert Beres,
Executive VP of
Sales & Marketing

Dandan Song

Dandan Song,
Junior Engineer


Special Events


Operations Challenge Competition – Process Control Event
Hydromantis is proud to be providing the process simulator for the Process Control event at the annual Operations Challenge competition.
Come watch the teams compete to troubleshoot process issues with a virtual wastewater treatment plant.
Time: 10:00 AM
Booth: 4562


WEF Innovative Technology Award
Hydromantis is the proud winner of a 2018 WEF Innovative Technology Award for its lead-edge wastewater operations process simulator SimuWorksTM.
Join us at the awards ceremony to hear about our experiences with using simulation for operator training, certification and in the annual WEF Operations Challenge competition.
Time: 9:00 AM - 9:25 AM
Venue: WEF Innovation Pavilion



Process Modeling of Intensive Algal Nutrient Recovery Processes
Type: Late Breaking Research Session
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Presented During: 201 Late-Breaking Research: Innovative Approaches for Resource Recovery
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 336
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Co-author)

Assessing Energy Consumption at a WRRF Using Process Models: A Case Study
Type: Technical Session
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Presented During: 207 Evaluating Energy Use and Management Alternatives for Operational Efficiency at WRRFs
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 350
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Presenter, Author)


Nitrifying Below the Washout SRT: Experimental and Modelling Results for a Hybrid MABR/Activated Sludge Process
Type: Technical Session
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Presented During: NOCC-256 305 Advancements in Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors (MABR): From Pilot to Full Scale Operation
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 239
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Co-author)

Evolution of an Interactive Wastewater Treatment Plant Simulator
Type: IKE Session
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Presented During: NOCC-251 300 Interactive Knowledge Exchange: How To Challenge and Utility Management
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 339
Dr. Rajeev Goel, Dr. Spencer Snowling, Kathleen Ingram, Dandan Song (Co-authors)

Development and Application of Process Water Simulator for Water Reuse and Industrial Process Water Treatment
Type: Technical Session
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Presented During: 403 Process Modeling for Industrial Wastewater System Design and Optimization
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 356
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Author), Dr. Spencer Snowling (Co-author)

Simulación Dinámica como Herramienta para Controlar Consumo y Generación de Energía Eléctrica en Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales
Type: Technical Session
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Presented During: 406 Experiencias en la Implementación de Remoción de Nutrientes y la Neutralidad Energética
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 344
Dr. Spencer Snowling (Invited Speaker)


Full Scale Implementation of AirPrexTM Phosphorus Recovery and the Development of a Mechanistic Process Model
Type: Technical Session
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Presented During: 606 Sidestream Impacts From Startup to Implementation
Venue: New Orleans Convention Center, Room 354
Dr. Rajeev Goel (Co-Author)

September 2018


Check out our latest recorded webinar :

Modeling Energy Usage at WRRFs with GPS-X



We are pleased to be a sponsor of the UDM2018 conference in Palermo, Italy supported by IWA.

GPS-X will be used in the course "Innovative Wastewater Treatment and Mathematical Modelling" and a license for a free month will be provided to all participants.

For more information, visit UDM2018



Join us at the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan on September 16-21.

Hydromantis President, Dr. Rajeev Goel, will be hosting a booth in the Canada Pavilion (Stand #40) as well as doing a poster presentation for a paper (ID: 3903359) entitled "Modelling Biological Removal of Selenium Oxyanions"

For more information, visit the World Water Congress website.

IWA World Water Congress Tokyo


We've released a FREE, simplified version of GPS-XTM for teaching/learning purposes.

The GPS-XTM Lite version of the software allows users to become familiar with how to model simple activated sludge processes, and understand the relationships that exist between the physical, operational, stoichiometric, and kinetic parameters of the process models and simulator output.

PDF Download View the Press Release.

Download your copy today!

GPS-X Lite

August 2018

June 2018


Join us for Toxchem training in Houston on June 8th.


Click for more info and to register. (This event has passed)

University of Houston

May 2018

IFAT, Europe's leading environmental technology fair, took place in Munich, Germany on May 14-18.

Thank you for coming and visiting us.

IFAT Technology Fair

CapdetWorksTM Version 4.0 Released

Hydromantis' new release of CapdetWorksTM v4.0 includes a new add-on Open API and a suite of biogas processes.

PDF Download View the Press Release.
PDF Download View the What's New Flyer.

Existing clients with current tech support contracts will be sent emails in the next few weeks regarding their upgrade.

Contact for any other questions.

CapdetWorks V4.0

April 2018

WEAO Annual Conference

Rajeev Goel (President & CEO), Spencer Snowling (VP of Product Development), Kathleen Ingram (Junior Engineer) and Dandan Song (Junior Engineer) will be attending the WEAO conference in London, Ontario from April 15-17.

Come visit us in our booth.

We are excited to have our SimuWorks OpTool program being used in the Operator's Challenge.

We are also involved in the following presentations:

Using a Simulator to Train Operators and Troubleshoot Plant Operations: Nobleton WRRF Case Study
Dandan Song
Session 2 (Salon D1) 10:00-10:30 - Monday

Whole plant model of a High Purity Oxygen (HPO) Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) for Operational Planning and Plant Optimization
Rajeev Goel
Session 4 (Salon F) 10:30-11:00 - Monday

Use of Process Modelling for Operational Analysis of a Travel Centre Wastewater Treatment Plant
Kathleen Ingram
Session 4 (Salon F) 11:30-12:00 - Monday

Development of Sustainable Solutions for Industrial Water Systems Using Advanced Modelling & Simulation Tools
Mark Knight (co-author Spencer Snowling)
Session 19 (Salon G) 8:30-9:00 - Tuesday

WEAO SimuWorks

January 2018


Check out our latest video :

Setting Up BNR Layouts in GPS-X



Learn tips on data validation from Hydromantis modelling experts Spencer Snowling and Rajeev Goel in the article "The Basics of Good Modelling Practice" in the latest issue of WEAO INFLUENTS magazine.

View the article.

WEAO PDF Download

December 2017

Holiday 2017

November 2017

Join us in New Delhi on Nov 24th.

Hydromantis' President, Rajeev Goel is hosting two free information sessions.

Click for more info and to register.

New Delhi, India

October 2017


The following Hydromantis experts will be a part of WEFTEC 2017.

Rajeev Goel,
President & CEO,
Hydromantis ESS, Inc.

Spencer Snowling,
VP of Product Development

Malcolm Fabiyi,
Hydromantis USA

Robert Beres,
Executive VP of Sales & Marketing


Huddle Room Meetings


New Developments in GPS-X (Process Water & Industrial Models)
Time: 2:30 P.M.
Room A1 Hall B, Booth 1268, Use the 1300/1400 aisle for the most direct access.


SimuWorks OpTool Customization
Time: 2:30 P.M.
Room B1 Hall B, Booth 6163, Use the 6200/6300 aisle for the most direct access


Introducing Hydromantis Academic Partnership Initiative
Time: 10:30 A.M.
Room B2, Hall B, Booth 6163, Use the 6200/6300 aisle for the most direct access



Dynamic Modeling
Type: Workshop
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Presented During: W15 Advanced Refinery Wastewater Treatment
Presented During Time: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S501cd, South Building - Level 5
Spencer Snowling (Workshop Speaker)


2275 - A Sensitivity Analysis of Model Parameters Influencing the Biofilm Nitrification Rate:
Comparison Between the Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) and Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) Process

Type: Traditional Technical Session
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Presented During: 206 Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors: Knowledge Development Forum
Presented During Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S501cd, South Building - Level 5
Spencer Snowling (Co-Author)


2367 - Leveling Up Operators With an Interactive Wastewater Treatment Plant Simulator
Type: IKE Sessions
Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Presented During: 400 Interactive Knowledge Exchange: Public Outreach
Presented During Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S402a, South Building - Level 4
Spencer Snowling (IKE Abstract Speaker)

1621 - What Operators Do When Dealing With Operational Challenges:
How Simulators Can Provide a Risk Free Platform for Troubleshooting Wastewater Challenges

Type: Traditional Technical Session
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Presented During: 418 Workforce Development Complements Asset Management
Presented During Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S404bc, South Building - Level 4
Malcolm Fabiyi (Presenter, Author), Spencer Snowling (Co-Author)


Using Models for Training
Type: Traditional Technical Session
Time: 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Presented During: 507 Case Studies on Process Model Application at Resource Recovery Utilities
Presented During Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S404d, South Building - Level 4
Spencer Snowling (Invited Speaker and Assistant Moderator)

How Can Models Be Used To Train Staff To Optimize and Troubleshoot Their Facility?
Type: Traditional Technical Session
Time: 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Presented During: 507 Case Studies on Process Model Application at Resource Recovery Utilities
Presented During Time: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: McCormick Place, S404d, South Building - Level 4
Spencer Snowling (Invited Speaker)

July 2017

GPS-XTM Version 7.0 Released

Hydromantis' new release of GPS-XTM v7.0 includes a newly updated user interface, updated high-purity oxygen (HPO) and chemical dosage models, as well as new hardware keyless licensing.

Read more

PDF Download View the Press Release.
PDF Download View the What's New Flyer.
Video Watch the What's New in GPS-X v7.0 webinar.

Contact for upgrade support.

GPS-X V7.0


Check out our latest video :

Modelling High-Purity Oxygen (HPO) Systems with GPS-X


March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

Job Opportunity

We are looking to hire a Junior Engineer. Visit our careers page for details.

Update: We are currently reviewing resumes. Successful candidates will be contacted for an interview. Thank you for your interest.

Job Opportunity

December 2016

October 2016

SimuWorks OpToolPro

"Flight Simulator" Training & Testing Platform Rolled Out

Hydromantis is pleased to announce that our process control simulator platform for operational training and testing has now been released. It includes many advanced features and functionalities.

Read more

Contact with any questions.

OpTool Pro


Thank you to everyone that came out to see us at our booth at WEFTEC. It was another great year!

Hydromantis is honored to have provided the simulator platform for the 2016 Water Environment Federation (WEF) operations challenge Process Control Event.

View the video that WEF posted about the event.

News ArchiveNews Archive
